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Oulanka National Park

Oulanka National Park

Finnish nature - a fairy tale, which is becoming a reality! Best of all the beauty of Finnish nature otkroetsa you in one of the known reserves of Finland - Oulanka National Park (Oulanka).

This is a great place to enjoy the contemplation of wonderful landscapes, wander through the inaccessible forests to visit from raging rapids and broad river curves. Thousands flock here from all over lbiteley hiking.

Exciting forest paths lead to the hanging bridge over the deep stone canyons and roaring rapids.

In the park laid several hiking trails of varying length and complexity. The most popular - a hiking route Karhunkierros (Fin. Karhunkierros)   - Bear Trail, a length of 80 kilometers. This route passes through ancient forests, cliffs, canyons and turbulent rapids. Leads from the clearinghouse Hautajärvi (Hautajärvi) to the ski resort of Ruka (Ruka) . Hike along the route Bear`s Trail may take 4-6 days, but it`s worth it! After all, these places are famous for their unique flora and fauna - many species of plants and birds are found only here. Summer in the marshes can be seen rare species of orchids northern "Lady`s Slipper" and arctic white lilies. Also, be sure - you will not get lost, because of the whole route will find special signs and maps.

If the route Bear trail seems too long, you can choose a 12-kilometer - Pieni Karhunkierros (Fin. Pieni Karhunkierros) - Little Bear`s Trail. This route is ideal for a day trip.

Both walking routes are available year round, they can take place not only in summer but in winter. However, the best time to visit - from early June to mid-October.

In Oulanka National Park has a tourist center where you will find all the information about the routes. There you can take a free map of the park, ask about the route you want to buy a souvenir or beautiful Souvenir.

If you need to stop for the night, you can choose Oulanka National Park Camping Ground . Camping is located in the park Oulanka 1.5 km from the tourist center. A camp from June 1 to August 31, around the clock.



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