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Sammallahdenmäki (Bronze Age Burial Site of Sammallahdenmäki )

Sammallahdenmyaki - funerary complex of the Bronze Age. Located on a hill near the town of Rauma in the municipality of Lapland in Finland.
Necropolis includes 36 graves as cairns, which were created from the 16th to 6th century BC. Four pyramids were found by archaeologist Hegmanom Voltaire in 1891. Among them are two unusual structure - a unique stone mound Church rectangular floor and Long Huilu ruins, which are surrounded by ancient stone walls.
Necropolis Sammallahdenmyaki is a unique evidence of life in ancient society in Scandinavia, its rites and religious rituals, which are more than three thousand years.
Since 1999 Granite Bronze Age cairn in Finland are UNESCO World Heritage Site.
To see Sammallahdenmyaki need to get out of Rauma and go by the track number 12 in the direction of Lapland (Lappi). Then you will need to turn on Eurayoki (Eurayoki) and Sammallahdenmyaki (Sammallahdenmaki). You can also get there by bus. Of Rauma (Rauma) and Lapland (Lappi) buses go to the village Kivikyulya (Kivikyla), which is close to Sammallahdenmyaki. From the village Kivikyulya to this complex is within walking distance - there are only about a kilometer path.

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