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Sinebrychoff Art Museum

Sinebrychoff Art Museum in Helsinki is a public art museum in Finland. The only Finnish art gallery is located in the house of the merchant and the owner of the brewery Sinebriukhov.

The museum was founded in 1921. On the ground floor of the building with the exposition presented the most valuable collection of European painting in the period 14-19 centuries. For several centuries, the collection was filled with new paintings, many of which were donated to the Art Society of Finland. The most significant works of art, which are stored in the museum are works by Rembrandt, Lucas Cranach the Elder, Alexander Roslin, Tiepolo, Jan van Goyen and other famous European masters.

The second floor of the estate remained unchanged since the time of residence merchant family. Here you can see the historic interiors, household items of the 17th century, as well as cabinet miniatures and other collections of exhibits.

The museum is open every day except Monday. Hours: Tuesdays and Fridays from 10 am to 18 pm, Wednesday and Thursday - up to 20 hours on weekends to 17 hours. Entrance fee - about 10 euros.

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